Thursday, October 29, 2009

I wanna be like Luke

My grandson, Luke is 2 years old. His sister is 4. We have a little game we play everytime I visit that goes like this: As soon as I open the door I say "I'm lookin for my grandchildren." That is their cue to run and hide. It takes me a little while and a lot of giggles before I find them and scoop them up for a big hug.
One day I went for a visit and Luke saw me before I had a chance to say my opening line. So instead I said , "Who am I lookin for?" Luke threw his arms up into the air and with a huge smile on his face and eyes sparkling he said, "ME!"
"Yes. Yes!" I said, "I am lookin for YOU!
Then, of course I scooped him up and then we went looking for his sister for her scoop and hug.
I want to be like Luke instead of the way I am at this time in my life. When I hear God calling me to do something I hesitate and question Him. "me?" I whisper. "Are You sure?"
But I wish I could respond to God and to the love He is trying to give to me the way Luke responded to the one who was looking for and loving him.

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