Friday, April 30, 2010

Do You Trust Me?

He was asking me to make a decision, to exercise my free will. “Do you trust me?” He waited for my answer.
We stood together at the entrance of a Pit and Pendulum caliber mental ward. I could see through the little windows on the double doors: disheveled people banging their heads against the wall, pulling their hair, you get the picture: bedlam. At the end of a long hallway there was the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen, and the most unusual because there was a stunning sunset right next to it. (Alpha and Omega?)
I thought before I spoke: “Yes. I am choosing to trust You. I’m terrified, but I will do it if I have to.”
He was asking me if I were willing to give up everything (and if you know me, you know my biggest fear is losing my mind---I’ve fought so hard to gain even a modicum of clarity---huge sacrifice to give up my tiny claim.) But I was willing. I can be scared, but decide to make a move anyway.
I wanted the Alpha and Omega. It was worth it to me to enter the asylum in order to get to the end of the hallway where the sunrise/sunset grew more dazzling by the minute.
The dream ended as I pushed the door open. He was right beside me.
When I woke up I ‘heard’ the words to a new song.
(If you would like to hear the song I have posted it to my youtube account:
Do you trust me?
My Lord said,
“Do you trust me, do you trust me?
My Lord said, “Do you trust me, will you follow me?
If the mountains should crumble into the sea;
If the rocks should melt like wax;
Are you willing to give up everything?
Do you trust me to guide you through the chaos?”

My God, I surrender to You
heart, soul, body and mind;
In the shadow of Your wings I take refuge
till this storm of destruction passes by.

My Lord said, “I know you are weary,
I know you can barely go on;
I know that these sorrows are crushing you;
Come now, take strength from my Song.”

My God, I surrender to You
heart, soul, body and mind;
In the shadow of Your wings I take refuge
till this storm of destruction passes by.

My Lord said, “I know you are weary,
I know you can barely go on;
I know that these sorrows are crushing you;
Come now, take strength from my Song.”

My God, I surrender to You
heart, soul, body and mind;
In the shadow of Your wings I take refuge
till this storm of destruction passes by.

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