Thursday, October 29, 2009

I wanna be like Luke

My grandson, Luke is 2 years old. His sister is 4. We have a little game we play everytime I visit that goes like this: As soon as I open the door I say "I'm lookin for my grandchildren." That is their cue to run and hide. It takes me a little while and a lot of giggles before I find them and scoop them up for a big hug.
One day I went for a visit and Luke saw me before I had a chance to say my opening line. So instead I said , "Who am I lookin for?" Luke threw his arms up into the air and with a huge smile on his face and eyes sparkling he said, "ME!"
"Yes. Yes!" I said, "I am lookin for YOU!
Then, of course I scooped him up and then we went looking for his sister for her scoop and hug.
I want to be like Luke instead of the way I am at this time in my life. When I hear God calling me to do something I hesitate and question Him. "me?" I whisper. "Are You sure?"
But I wish I could respond to God and to the love He is trying to give to me the way Luke responded to the one who was looking for and loving him.

even the stones cry out

I don't know why, but I just want to talk about God; there is joy in it. I have to ask myself if there is not already too much talk and too much noise. So much has already been said. What is it inside of me that still wants to cry out, to sing a new song?
I am just one little stone but I can't help but cry out, "Hossana! Hossana! " and "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Conversation

As much as I like writing, I like hearing what other people have to say. It is only in the back and forth that a truth can be found.
...but silence is a sound too I guess, so no pressure.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


If a ship or boat is sea-worthy it is able to stay afloat and cross the waters. If it isn't sea-worthy it won't hold up: the wood might crack and break into a million pieces, or the vessel may capsize or be beaten down and battered by the natural forces of the sun and sea. If that happenes, everything the ship and everything it carried would never reach its destination.
In the Hail Holy Queen we ask the mother of God to pray that we may be "made worthy of the promises of Christ." When I pray those words I am asking to be made worthy in the sea-worthy sense. I want to be made a worthy vessel for the goodness of Christ.

Monday, October 26, 2009

daily view

when I let a day or two pass by and then look back over some of my most profound and well-put-together thoughts I realize how much is still lacking. What looks complete from one angle

Sunday, October 25, 2009

gasping for prayer

I'd like to invite you to think about the biological systems---the universe of cellular activity that work in a newborn's body to make the baby gasp for its first breath. Life outside the womb is impossible for the baby without that first gasp.
That is how I felt when I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet for my loved ones who were in trouble the other night. I was so worried and so desperate that my prayer felt like gasping. It made me wonder if each human being might be likened to an individual cell in a baby's body that upon reaching a kind of critical mass causes the newborn to gasp--to draw in that deep and desperate gasp for air that begins the baby's new life.
Jesus told us to pray for one another and to pray for the things we need, to pray without ceasing.
What if our new life depends on it?